Saturday, March 29, 2014

"Communism? That was just a red herring."

I spent far too long this morning trying get Microsoft Word to connect to Blogger.  It didn't work.  I should have known it wasn't going to work, I've tried it before.  But I had this idea that I could get it this time.  Foolish.

The internet was unable to provide a solution.  I get either the same basic steps as the Word instructions (which don't work) or clueless
people saying that Microsoft and Google are in cahoots to keep us down, man.

All of that research got me thinking again about the upcoming 1 year anniversary of Rejected and Alone.  I have been planning on making some changes, perhaps it is time to move to WordPress.  I picked Blogger because it seemed to be a little more user friendly and I wasn't sure what I was going to be using the blog for.  Now that I've been at it for a bit the limitations of the platform are much cleared.

I'm not talking about the Word problem.  Blogger is for casual blogging or Googlephiles.  WordPress is for putting your best face forward and establishing a professional internet presence.  It's also a bit more work.

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