Friday, April 11, 2014

"Get out of here!"

The train is a bit musty today.  Hmm.  Can’t wait for the new rolling stock.  Should only be another 14 months or so.

As I was getting ready to head out the door this morning I heard my daughter say, “Mom!  It’s our cat.” To which my wife responded, quite correctly I might add, “Get out of here!”

The cat has been “missing” for a couple of months.  We even got rid of the dishes and left over food.  Yes, I was footloose and fancycat free.  But now it seems the infernal creature has returned to eat my food and let the moles, voles, and turkey buzzards destroy my lawn and the finish on my cars.

I can’t say that I hope their attempts to coax the cat back to our porch failed after I left, that wouldn’t be very nice.  But I do wonder if bringing an animal that has been stray since FY13 back into the household is really the correct thing for the children.  What if something tragic happens?  I worked in IT for years and we had a saying about intermittent system bugs.  “A problem that goes away by itself comes back by itself.”  It seems the same came be said for cats.

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